I think it's kind of funny that I look taller than Justin in this picture, because in reality he's a LOT taller {1 foot} than me! I wore a bumpits to church that day, so my hair was teased to the heavens, literally.
I'm totally working for the weekend this week for two reasons.
Reason #1:
Look who's coming for a visit? Our Best Couple Friends! We were their first out of town guests when they moved & now they are ours! I know we've lived in Tupelo for a while, but do NOT hear this as a finger wag for not visiting, we know we don't live in the most exciting place in America {unless you like armadillo roadkill & fancy restaurants like Chili's }, so we rarely beg people to come visit us!
Reason # 2:
The Marathon is this weekend! I want to devote an entire post to preparation, but let's just say I've done all this work & ALMOST didn't get registered.