Friday, December 01, 2006

all anyone can talk about

anywhere in the country right now is the weather. I am NO exception!! After bearing with the wintry mix last night with my two favorite texas transplants, then hoping for a foot of powder after grey's, and even checking the window as soon as my alarm went off, I got to see my fabulous city covered with a beautiful blanket of snow. I trudged to the train this morning lesli style - leopard print rain boots, hot pink gloves and black furry hat! Unbeknownst to me, this was a "wet" snow, so my hat was a little soaked by the time I got to work and all my make up is rubbed off my forehead, but I am in the midwest, so they'll never know! I tried to take some pictures on my way in, but I left cayce in her warm bed with flannel sheets, and self photos are only fun for places like myspace and facebook. So I'll try and get out after work and get some good shots. I must is fun to see the Christmas decorations covered in white!

it's hard to believe that tomorrow I'll be in sunny california. My sweet friend amanda called last night with a warning. "I just want you to know that it's been VERY cold here the past few days. It was 40 degrees by 9pm." I've lived through a snow storm, I'll so manage!