Saturday, November 22, 2008

you be the judge

I have been trying for a LONG time to perfect dark smokey eyes. And for the longest time I could NOT get it right. It always looked too blue or too clownish. I can remember getting ready for a wedding back in my single days and applying the smokey eyes and my date walking in and busting a gut laughing. Thank gawd for make up remover!

I saw a pictorial how to the other day and thought I'd give it another shot. I thought the trick was to incorporate SILVER as your lighter shade to black, but the secret ingredient is BROWNISH GOLD!
Now you be the judge ~ are my smokey eyes exotic and mysterious or do I look like I'm a month late to the halloween party?

please ignore my eyebrows... my sister will take care of them when I return to Kentucky

straight on shot
all smiles

It's very important that you get back to me, because I'm thinking these are the eyes I'll be sporting in our upcoming anniversary photo shoot! More info on that to come!