My health journey progression...
1. Weight Watchers ~ count your points and eat less fat. This totally worked for me! I think in total I lost about 14lbs! Nice jump start!
2. Saw Micheal Pollan on Oprah and she said, "All our food became fat free and we all got fatter!" Considered the idea, what if Fat-Free isn't real food?
3. Read Pollan's book Food Rules to understand what real food was. It's a book that will challenge your thinking & help you learn more about what you're putting in your mouth. Plus you can read it in a day!
4. Evolved to ~ making the best health choices for me and my family at the risk of eating fat & real food!
I think there is much misunderstanding behind food, organics, processed, etc. and even I don't understand all of it all the time. I want to tell you what works for me, and I will on FFC, but please hear me now... I think Weight Watchers is a FABULOUS life changing concept. It changed my life and has changed the life of many others. Case and point... J.Hud! I do live in a world (life & business) where I like to re-invent continuously, so that's what I expanded beyond my original route.
Ok so now that we've chased that rabbit for a while I should probably get back to telling you what I'm really talking about. We joined our local CSA & picked up our first share yesterday!
CSA stands for "Community Supported Agriculture" which is a very fancy acronym for "I pay local farmers to grow my veggies/produce/herbs so I don't have to buy them at the store." I would have taken pictures at the farm, but at the risk of being that weirdo, I refrained.
First share includes...
~Wild Garlic~Radishes
~Swiss Chard~Kale
~Lettuce (can't remember the proper name but it looks kind of like romaine)I also bought my eggs there, which brings up another story all together, but I'll save that for another time.
In my life, I have never cooked with wild garlic (which is VERY different looking from tame garlic), Swiss chard or radishes. So, one of the most exciting things about being involved in my local CSA to me is to be able to get creative in the kitchen and share with my friends. I am hoping to make some wild garlic pesto this weekend, because I have all ingredients on hand! (How often does that happen without planning?)
Go to this website {Local Harvest} to find out if your community has a CSA. This is a trial run for us and it might make more sense for us to share a share with our friends next season, but we will see! It is a little pricey up front, but as Michael Pollan taught us ~ You can either give your money to local farmers now, or give your money to doctors later. I'm happy to help my farmers.
Will hopefully post recipes soon!
Mom · 728 weeks ago