Tuesday, October 12, 2004

i'm with stupid

Me being the stupid one. I'm convinced that I'm wearing a sign on my forehead that says, "say anything you want to me, I am very stupid!" I've never claimed to be a super smart person, but lately...there just must be something about me.

I went to victoria's secret on Saturday. (sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, but I thought you already knew that I wear bras.) I intend to purchase a new white bra exactly like the black bra that I got a couple of weeks ago, because I practically live in it I love it so much. I had a coupon that said free bottle of perfume (which is of no interest to me since I swore off perfume a few years ago)and $5 dollars off any body by victoria bra. Fine print. I didn't read that part. So I got in and with no effort grab the bra I want and take it to the counter. Once I get to the counter I realize my mistake and ask just to make sure, "Is the $5 off ONLY for body by victoria??" the lady says, "Yes, would you like to look at our body by victoria bras??" and I say, "No, I have one and I don't like it because the straps won't stay up." and she says, "Ohhhhhhhhh (nodding) have you tried tightening the straps as tight as they will go??" (stupid sign must on) and I say, "Yes ma'am...I've tried tightening the straps as tight as they will go." hello...this is the first thing I do on all my bras...it's a must for someone of my height. So the lady proceeds with, "Well that's weird that they still fall off when you have them tightened as tight as they will go. I never have a problem of them falling down." ok let me paint you a picture of what this girl looks like. She's prob 5'9 or so, that's already 8 inches taller than I am...if she's not taller than that. She's a very thin 5'9 and unlike the victoria secret models she's a very small A cup. I'm a couple cups bigger than an A. Trying to remain cool I say to her, "Well, that's great that it never falls off of your shoulders, but you and I are built a little different." all the while I'm gesturing to my very short shoulders in comparison to her tall broad shoulders. And she actually looks at me and says, "Are you sure you have them tightened as tight as they will go?" and I say, "Thank you so much for your help, I will not be buying anything today." and I left.

oh I just realized I left out an important part of the story (see...maybe I am really stupid). I was getting a new bra because I couldn't find my white bra. Well, and because the straps fall down. Sounds pretty racy...but I found the bra on Sunday in a pile of clothes.