Wednesday, October 06, 2004

sigh of relief

ahhhhhhhhhhhh. So finally after 2 months I got to tell my job that I'm leaving and starting something new and totally different. So many mixed emotions. I thought it would be a lot easier, but it is very bittersweet. I'm very excited/happy/nervous to start something new, very sad to leave my first job. Oh well...yay for new things!

I will miss the parties.

so maybe life just picked up. It will for sure pick up very soon, because I'm headed to D.C. in a couple of weeks for business. How fun is that to say? I have a few friends in the D.C. area for this year, so I am very excited to spend some time with those old friends!

actually, I just found out yesterday that I'd be going to d.c. so soon. The first thought in my head this morning, I mean before I could even get my eyes to open I thought, 'There's an H&M in D.C. I must start saving my money!' did I not get enough of it when I shopped at all 15 H&Ms in NYC? You have to take advantage of your opportunities my friend! Lucky for me...actually, for H&M, there are only 2 in the area I'll be in that I'm aware of, so the damage will surely be minimal.

have a good's to life picking up!