Wednesday, October 12, 2005

media relations

since i've been gone so much lately, my roomate and i have been spending a LOT of time together. we've been like high school girls...we've been getting ready together in the morning, got our hair cuts together, and on monday when she had a work function her office suggested that i come with!

only one catch. i was now an intern for her office. well, to me, intern is such a vague term and gets linked with the likes of a blue dress and cigar that i thought i'd take it one step further. who would ask me what i did anyway? we assumed it was a come and go thing. turns out it was a sit down dinner. so, we were forced to interact with people. i went with what i know...i was the new media relations intern for her office. "wow, that sounds really interesting!" at one point i was drifting off in thought of the delicious white wine sangria and the upcoming dishes and a sister (she was a nun) started talking about the NPR spot she had heard and i realized...this is my department! so i tuned in (no pun intended) smiled and nodded my head.

like any good marketing director pretending to be a media relations intern i took advantage of my opportunity to discreetly plug my real job. at the end of the meal they brought out tres leches cake and coffee. coffee became the topic of the table as we discussed my roomates new love for her morning coffee and our opinions of starbucks. so i interjected, "I really love starbucks, i could drink it every morning, but my roomate and i love breakfast at CFA, and they just rolled out a new line of coffee and it is DELICIOUS!" for the next ten mintues we discussed breakfast and chicken and the nutritional quality of CFA. it was great...all i kept thinking was don't act like you know too much...normal people don't know that the mini's are on a honey yeast roll...

i believe it's what any marketing director turned media relations intern for the night would have done...