Monday, July 03, 2006

fireworks don't work for me

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the fourth of july is a double edge sword with a good edge and a bad edge. celebrating america and our troops by drinking beer and getting a tan with lee greenwood mixed in is the good edge. being at a huge overblown gathering to watch fireworks is the bad edge. in the past i would attend 4th of july celebrations with the fireworks and the crowds and the heat, but 5 years ago i just quit.

searching for parking, waiting in traffic, sweating to death and getting eaten by mosquitos was never worth waiting through the fireworks for the grand finale. we used to pick out our favorites, and after years of doing this i realize...they are all basically the same.

i'd rather be surprised by fireworks. like when we were driving down mopac to celebrate jaimie and there were fireworks downtown. that was nice. or a homerun at a baseball game. i can appreciate them then.

i could however listen to the military hymns and patriotic ballads on repeat, much like christmas carols and applaud the soilders that stand when their hymn is played. just the thought of how these mere men gave up everything in their lives to defend my country and my freedom moves me to tears every time ...more than a firework finale every will.