one of the "businesses" that we planned out in our heads was us being on a design show called Mod~Tique. Christina's a little mod, and i'm a little 'tique. antique that is. as the show would go, we'd go to flea markets and antique stores to find cool treasures to pair with your more modern contemporary finds. i do not consider myself a great "designer," but i excel in bargain shopping for junk, so hopefully christina could pull it all together in a uniform look.
she accused me of falling into the mod~tique design category, but let me set the record straight here... i married into the mod~tique category. if i had it my way it would be junktiques all the way, but my husband already had new things like a dining room table, entertainment center and the luxurious steel gray sectional. yes, steel gray, try and keep your jealous heart in check. it's been a thorn in my side since december 1st or maybe when i first started visiting him.
when paired with the black and tan pillows it sort of looks blue. honestly, who thinks of black and tan as complimenting colors to steel gray? only a boy=)
after 5 months of wedded bliss i decided to give my mod couch a 'tique-ish upgrade. i headed straight for my hobby lobby with 15 minutes to spare and a 50% off discount. don't you just love that? anything seems better 50% off! this is what i found...
so, what do you think? it's a START. i'm definitely thinking there needs to be some color added, perhaps a little mint or turquoise or pink. this is where the designer needs to step in add the finishing touches to bring it all together, but i left christina in chicago with her husband. so, hgtv, if you're out there... christina and i are available and for hire!