Tuesday, August 05, 2008

a couple questions for you.

i worked on a post with some really cute pictures of Milo Blagg and Lola playing, and for some reason it didn't post and i don't think i finished it. oops! that will give me something to do tonight, you know because i'm so bored and searching for things to do...

real quick though... i have two questions for you.

1. How on EARTH did i survive the heat of austin texas with no air conditioning in my montero sport? i've been out of this heat for 2 years, and it is about to kill me! i think my time in the midwest made me forget what it felt like to begin sweating the minute your feet hit the floor until the time you crawled back in bed. and maybe even then. and we're thinking of moving BACK to the south?

2. on a less complainer note... have any of you tried the new Chicken Salad Sandwich at Chick-fil-A? recipe is exactly the same, and i loved it before, but they are making it chunkier now and putting it on wheatberry bread, and sister likes. no, sister LOVES it. i think i've eaten at least 3 since i've been in Norman, which can't be great for my living great plan, but it tastes so good. go try if you haven't.