If you read this blog with any regularity, you will know that I refer to mine and Allie's conversations our trips and our recipes often. She is my very closest sister-friend, and often times we accuse one another of sharing a brain. When you choose to visit If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me you will meet one of the best and most inventive home cooks that is currently not on the Food Network. I am convinced that Allison will make her millions by writing a cook-book or a tip-book for domestic kind. Also, if you are a cottage living kind of gal, which I am, you will love her style. Her header is her house and you will love seeing all her fabulous treasures. Finally, if you like cute kids she knows 3 of the cutest. Her 2 nephews and niece are living breathing dolls and are prominently featured!
Ali ~ Brown Eyed Blogg
Alison is another one of my dear friends that I've know for a good long while. She was beyond cool when I really started to get to know her over 10 years ago and she still is. Easily, Ali is one of the coolest people I know, because style embodies her and she doesn't work at it or force it...it's just there and it's spot on. At the ripe old age of 24 Ali put her big girl panties on and opened her very own hair salon ~ Brown Eyed Girl Salon. If you've ever thought my hair looks good you can direct all your compliments to her, because I always try and plan my trips home around when my hair will need the most TLC. If you like funky art, cute dogs, good music and hilariously random musings, you should definitely check out the Brown Eyed Blogg.
Camille ~ The Jennings Secede from the South

Camille and I were ChiOs at Baylor together and have been following each others blogs since we blogged on Xanga! haha ~ remember Xanga? Well Camille and her med school student husband moved from Texas to Pennsylvania. Camille and Adam are always up for an adventure with their crazy dog Powers be it fly fishing or offering helpful tips for the dating world. They recently announced that they would be starting a new adventure ~ the adventure of PARENTHOOD! I have no doubt that the next 9 months and 18 years will not be typical mommy blog post, but real stories of how funny life can be sometimes.
So there you have it... 3 MORE things to distract you at work! Enjoy!