Saturday, November 01, 2008

The start of November

Can anyone believe it's already November? Does everyone say that at the start of a new month?

November is here and Justin asked me the other day if I felt like I had truly lived out my mantra of living great in 08. So far, so good. There is one thing I'm interested in doing. NaBloPoMo. Every heard of it? It stands for National Blog Posting Month and the goal of it is to post every day for a month. I first saw this idea on my friend Shanti's blog last year and I've wanted to try it ever since.

My biggest worry is that I will write a bunch of crap that is boring and pointless, but the truth is - most blogs are at times boring and pointless. So, Here's to November and 30 days of blog posting. Please let me know if there is anything you'd like for me to write about and of course, wish me luck as I doubt this will be easy!