Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, My Sweet Friends!

It's Thanksgiving Day 2008, and Justin and I will not be celebrating with a traditional turkey meal with loved ones, so I figured we could just all pull up a chair around the old Blog Table and tell what we're thankful for.

Lesli: I am thankful for my path this year. Thankful that it has been flocked with friends who encourage me daily, support me in prayer and love me for me. Thankful to have job that allowed me to spend a significant amount of time in 7 different cities for work while accompanying my husband. Thankful that when I come home after any day or amount of time this tiny ball of fur knocks me down with love and kisses. Thankful that through the entire spectrum of the path I was arm in arm with my husband whom I never deserved, but thank God every day that he was hand picked just for me.

Justin: I am thankful for the country in which we live and the freedoms we enjoy because of it. I am thankful for family and friends who are just a phone call away. I am thankful for the little addition to our family and the way she welcomes us home after a long day of work. I am thankful for a job that has allowed us to visit several different parts of the country, even if some of those parts were not very glamorous. Finally I am thankful for my other half whom I love with all my heart and who I can't imagine life without

Lola: I am thankful for my treats, for my toys, for the hairdryer, for the bunnies, birds and butterflies I chase outside and of course my mommy and daddy.

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!