It is with great pleasure that I can introduce the blogs of two of my very good friends that you might have noticed on my sidebar. When I browse y'alls blogs I wonder how you know the people you link to, and in case any of you wonder that about mine I'm here to take the guess work out of it for you. It also gives me the chance to showcase mi amigos and amigas.
First off... Andy

Andy and I have been friends and know each other longer than anyone else on my links. There was a time in my life when I loved his brother, and now I am very glad that he is one of my closest friends even after a tumultuous high school break up. Oh the drama of high school! Andy and I share a lot of inside jokes and he can make me laugh in a single sentence over text message. {This ain't Gawd Danged Dairy Queen!} I hope I just made him laugh. Anyway, about his blog. Andy created a blog to post and track his new years resolution to be a better Andrew. He has made being a better person into a game by assigning points to tasks that he does. I so enjoy his writing style and of course his ability to be honest and raw about his actions. Andy, if you're reading this, your comments are broken. I've tried to comment several times and they don't show up!
Second... Shawna

shawna and her fiance oliver.
Anyway ~ y'all be sure and give Andy & Shawna a proper welcome and perhaps a comment. Don't be shy... every loves to get nice comments.
Third ... it's WEIGH IN time on Four Fat Chicks! I'm sure you've been waiting since last Friday to see how we did and if I'd recover from the nasty gain! ick!