Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Four EYES!

Justin and I took advantage of our fabulously free health insurance (our company pays for it ~ not the government) and booked eye appointments. Round about the time I got my cute ~fake~ glasses I kind of felt like my eyes were getting a little fuzzy, but put things off due to lack of time, lack of insurance and lack of major problems. The worst part is driving at night, because when I look at the lights I see double and the road signs are real fuzzy. Poster child for the Mississippi Department of Transportation right here!

Justin kicked off our appointment with a next to perfect 20/15 vision, only missing 1 letter on the chart! I'm up next and my first eye goes OK. On to my left eye and she says, "What is the first line you can see clearly?" I keep trying to focus and finally say, "The third line down from the top." Out of seven lines. Arrrgg! Not so perfect, Lesli.
And the verdict is... I have astigmatism and I need glasses to drive at night, watch tv & update my blog. Ok, I added that one in about the blog, but I admit... it's a really bad excuse for not blogging!
On a mission now to find the perfect frames! I was lucky enough to marry into a family with an optometrist for a grandfather, so all I have to find is frames and he'll put the lenses in them! Of course, as soon as I get them you'll be the first to see!