Someone over at Sweet Leaf Tea stumbled upon those praises and kindly offered to mail me coupons for FREE TEA! Merry Christmas, right? I work for a company that believes that a true raving fan of your product will be more than happy to pay full price for the product and I believe that about this tea. I also think that the best way to advertise a product is by word of mouth and actually getting the product in your mouth. That is of course unless it is NOT a food or beverage product, in which case I wouldn't go putting things in my mouth from pushy marketers.
With that thought in mind, it would be my pleasure to share my coupons with those of you who maybe have never tried Sweet Leaf Tea and would like to! Please visit their website and then comment here about which flavor you would try if given the chance to try for FREE! Of course, leave me your email address so I can correspond with you about where I should send them!