Not long after we met the Lord saw it fit to bless Shanda & Brett with a baby! Our shopping and wine drinking turned into shopping for nursery furniture!
Ladies ~ you have to see how good Shanda looked! Here she is 2 months almost to the day before Harper was born! Yes, I realize I might look more pregnant than her, but that's a compliment, because she looked amazing!
{Labor Day Party September 2009}
[holly, christina, brittany, ME & shanda (harper)]
If Justin and I are good for anything, we are good for food! So last night we loaded up the car with Chick-fil-A Sandwiches and sides and Chicken Spaghetti for a later meal so we could distract Mom & Dad and get some Harper time!
And without further adieu... Miss Harper Eden.
Little Miss Princess stayed asleep our entire visit, but woke up just in time for pictures! Right as her Daddy snapped this one she exploded into her diaper. Does that mean she likes me?
Now she's looking at me like she's not so sure about me. Or maybe she's thinking she needs one of my flowers to put on her headband. She'll have to ask nicely.
Shanda & Brett ~ we LOVE her already! She is simply beautiful and we can't wait to see her again very very soon!